And since 2010 began with a "hot" shade of pink for me, it might aswell start with a hot giveaway for you! How would you fancy receiving in the post three delicious smackers in a cute bag?
Thirty parcels are waiting to be posted, one may be yours! Giveaway ends on Tuesday, 26th of January, at midnight.
*Bonne Belle started producing them in 1973.
*They are the only kind of balm/gloss that comes in such a wide selection of tastes.
*They are also known for collaborations with Coca-Cola, Fanta, Mars, Disney and Colgate. (Fanta roll-on gloss rules)
*They are collectors items (!) - see this.
*American product, made in the U.S.: a) you know I like it when companies produce locally, b) I am surprised this is not Japanese.
*Apart from my purse, they can apparently be found in the handbags of Lindsay Lohan, Sharon Stone, Halle Berry and Paris Hilton:)
*Features proudly: WE DO NOT TEST ON ANIMALS.
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