Two in a Gondola looks fine.

" Two in a Gondola" is a couple in Venice, floating on water, kissing and vowing eternal love. "Two in a Gondola" is a couple of friends, killing time in Italy, both lives aboard the same boat in every way. However Elena Pavlou's Two in a Gondola is a fashion brand, floating alright, on your body.

All of the designs she comes up with her team can be worn in more than one ways, "polymorphic" as they'd call them. Discovered them a few months ago and back then I was certain I was trying on some mysterious new Italian brand. Elena's email set things straight: this line can only be found in Greece, Cyprus and Czech Republic!

Quirk and comfort in balance, what's out in stores at the moment is created using wool, cotton and laqué fabrics.
Which stores? This gondola may be closer than you think: all noted at


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