Sugar Line Productions Party - xmas gifts inspiration #2

Second and final xmas shopping pit for last Sunday was Sugar Line Productions "to know us better" shopping party. I was familiar with the Sugar Line aesthetics before but visiting the studio/store, was quite a revelation. All my childhood memories stood there on the shelves, transformed into the funkiest handmade accessories! So many of them, so colourful, sentimentally charged and obviously made with love.

It's been a long time since I last wanted to load the entire shop on a truck and bring it home and that night I got the kicks. In the end I did the sensible thing and managed to cross out another two names off my xmas shopping list thanks to this fun'n'glam bling:

The actual space is like an exotic jungle where the sweetest, retro-spelled items grow like delicious fruits on a tree. Everything from the decorations to the space arrangement have touches of Super Katerina, the brand's mastermind and creator of the hundreds of themed accessories. It must take a very brave person to dust this place I thought at some point.
And Katerina confirmed. Actually she is officially brave, posing below next to her very own Jedi Knight certificate!
Yummy munchies, drinks, beautiful stuff and good company: Battered Couture was there too, sporting her newly acquired gem, an "Animals Against Humanity" brooch. Thought those flaming red lips just had to be in the picture;) Her lence was on fire too, so click on her blog and check out what this evening was like for her.
Should have bought those pac-man earrings, a small tribute to the days I was championing the sport at the arcade as a kiddo. How appropriate they are being displayed on a video cassette...
And here is where it's all done: a peep to Katerina's working space. I wouldn't mind being locked in there for the night. Or forever.
Below, the lavender stuffed turtle Psarokokalo asked me to deliver, guarding the till and spreading good vibes. (mission accomplished!)
Last but not least - and since the rain soaked the wrapping later on - I had to show you the super-creative, literally sweet (!) Sugar Line packing treatment:
Sugar Line Productions, thanks for a smashing Sunday party;)


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