Strella, tonight at 22.30 at "Elli" cinema, Athens. A movie by Panos H. Koutras. Costumes by Vassilis Bargarigos. Drag costume design is among the most exciting, challenging and creative areas of the film industry. Expressive, colourful, kitch... I am dying to watch this. Costumes is not the only motive, it's meant to be one of contemporary Greek cinema's gems. If in Athens, make tonight a late night.
*update: 06/11/09. Intense make-up by Apollonia B, seriously good performances. Watch it with an open mind, look for the message beyond the obvious. A gem indeed, already well-received by the audience of Berlin's 59th international movies festival, tonight was announced that the French audience will have the chance to watch it too, distributed by Libération.
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