Gaffer & Fluf gadgetwear

Gaffer & Fluf is Katerina and Kostas. Browsing Taf's rooms at the last Meet Market, I ended up trying stuff on and being styled by Katerina whilst my friend looked on with a drink at hand. Her argument was that you cannot tell the design simply by looking at it on the hanger and in Gaffer & Fluf's case, she was so right. Then again she has been a stylist on TV for many years, she knows well.

What's stayed with me from that night though, was a slideshow on her laptop featuring about 20 different ways of wearing a rectangular piece of fabric they call "The Gadget". I thought it was so unique and clever, I'm sharing some of it with you. The shoot is more of a look-book thing and took place at their studio, relaxed & greyscaled.

Gaffer & Fluf aim to make clothes that are 'alive', that are able to adjust to personal style. The "gadget" is a good example of that: it's a complete wardrobe in one piece!

"Gaffer" is a nickname for Kostas, a set designer who'd use gaffer tape on the set and "Fluf" is a nick for Katerina a stylist who, well, likes fluf! The duo met on the set of a TV series and around this time of the year back in 2007 they joined forces to create this brand, starting with handbags and accessories. It wasn't long before it evolved into a clothing line.

They haven't quit on accessories though and in the shoot above the model wears what Katerina calls "The Botox Hairband"! - "We call it 'Botox' because besides the faux fur flufiness, it is tight and gives you a lifting effect".

All their clothes are polymorphic, which means they can be worn in many different ways. The rectangular fabric above is a good example. But how does one come up with something like this? - "We use the 'moulage' technique so we play around a lot with the fabric. I thought, why not make a gadget item, something that can look different on you each time you wear it, depending on your mood and own creativity?"

You can find Gaffer & Fluf at Whitebox HQ, 23 Praxitelous str. in Athens as well as their studio, 23 Dervenakion str. in Pallini (for the last, book in advance on 210-6034334).

And by all means, let Katerina style you up! She does magic;)

*Gaffer & Fluf will be at this Sunday's 'Beautiful Inside Out' event at Whitebox.


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