A Capital Kit for Ghost Hunters

Never go ghost hunting in the nude! It scares the ghosts away.
A woolly hat
In the winter ghost-hunters should always wear a woolly hat, preferably one with earflaps. If things get too scary you can pull it down over your eyes!
An Anorak
A ghost hunter must try to look as normal as possible. Some spooks hate to be stalked, so few will suspect that anyone wearing an anorak is after them. Extra tip: Odd socks should bring luck as well. Or odd shoes. Or even wearing different-coloured gloves.
A Map
Essential item. Handy to know where you are (and how to find your way home)
A Notebook and Pencil
To scribble down any odd things you see, or to draw rude pictures of people you see on the Tube.
A Torch
Ghosts seem to favour the night. So always keep one with you for after dark hunting.
A Camera
Keep quiet about this but... you can also use it on your old creepy aunt. If she doesn't appear on the picture, then you can be finally sure she is a vampire!
Harry Potter
He defo has a sort of experience. And he is our friend :)

Clem & Mel


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