It's nice when events like this one take place on a beautiful, sunny Sunday in the heart of November. "Beautiful Inside & Out" was organised by and hosted at the Whitebox Headquarters in central Athens (Praxitelous 26) and was all about tips to make your inner self as well as your appearence, pretty and serene.
Munchies, sweets, coffee, tea & wine, all played their part in keeping my inner self particularly happy and content too;)
Henna tatoo sessions at the balcony overlooking Praxitelous str.
A lively, mainly girlie crowd mingling and buzzing all day among unique clothes, accessories and their creators.
Amazing Whitebox see-through poof seat, stuffed with toys, fabric left-overs, even shoes. Nothing goes to waste!
Face exercise presentation. Our face is full of small muscles that deserve a good work-out. Keep them fit and they will keep you young-looking for longer.
Accessories designer Olga Mergou in print tights, chatting to Katerina (aka Fluf) and Kostas (aka Gaffer).
Make-up presentation by pro make-up artist Georgia Kotsiopoulou. To get it right for a night out or a photo-shoot, you need about an hour to cover any imperfections and transform your face into a piece of art. Fifteen minutes should be enough for the basics in the morning though!
Fashion Paths Christiana under her magic brushes. Check out her blog spot, she should be sharing interesting stuff soon.
The central light piece. A construction of everyday things, all coloured white for better light reflection. Diy at its best...
For brands spotted and buys victoriously carried home, look out for posts to follow:)
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