AXDW - till next season

This was the last photo taken at the 6th AXDW (literally): in the centre, organizer Tonia Fouseki among colleagues, designers and models who stayed on the spot till the very last minute.

I always enjoy AXDW because it never promises more than it actually delivers, and it delivers well. Nice touches are the fact that it chooses to support a cause (this season was awareness about the modernist era buildings in Athens), the choice of space (megaron ethnikis asfalistikis), the informative booklet (designers contacts and bio) as well as the parallel events (best fm live casts) and it's lounge, small enough so that everyone gets to meet each other and mingle.

I am not going to go into details of shows I liked the most and so on. I think when I particularly liked a show, I made it clear the way I did for FWA shows. At the end of the day, a successful collection is marked by how well it sells rather than how nice a catwalk was. Time will tell! Before finishing this last post on AXDW for a while, here are some photos of people I never got the chance to post before. Till next season!

Doukas Hatzidoukas, a blonder version of him. Always a fan of his work.

Theia who is model-like herself, on the left, Evangelia on the right and... not sure who (sorry:)) in the centre!

Stelios Koudounaris showing off Evelina Papantoniou's gorgeous back.

Costume designer Marli Aleiferi, soon to leave Athens for Crete for the filming of mega channel's new mega-production, "The Island".

Celebrity Skin Dimitris Strepkos (far right) in his best Hollywood smile.

Soho Symposium Hari K. in total black. Well almost!

Fashion Architect Lopi in brighter shades of grey and...

...eye-candy shoes, looking ever so comfy:)


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