SWAP NOT SHOP @ Six D.O.G.S.! (Thank you note)

Dear all!

Thank you for the amazing swapping spree, your clothes, your energy, your smiles :D
We had a great time, we found great stuff, you found great stuff and, so it seems, swapping IS actually becoming part of the Greek zeitgeist!

We would also like to thank sweet Thalia from Life in Athens for ...everything and it is even not enough, Konstantinos & Dora from Six D.O.G.S. for the happy hour cocktails, the dj-ing as well as the host (aaaand the photos!), and, last but not least, all our fabulous friends and friends of friends who dedicated their sunny Sunday into giving a hand!

Till the next one... re-cycle, re-use, re-wear!

Happy up here!
Clem & Mel

PS. Whoever got Konstantinos' jacket and black & white check shirt ...it was left aside due to weather heat, it wasn't supposed to be swapped! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


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