Swap not Shop! Again!!

So, if you saw my last post, you must now expect me to give you more info, right?! And as i never want to let down people, here it comes!!! Yesterday we swapped!...A lot! Clothes all over Six D.O.G.S, live music by DJ's, half-priced drings (happy hour rules) and of course lot's and lot's of fashionable people that came, left, came again and brought even other fashionable friends of their own! And of course fashion bloggers that were there not only to support fellow bloggers Thalia and Sandra but also to swap-chat-photograph everything!!

In the last 3 sets of pics you see:
-streetgeist-like pics of Nina Malvada, Chloe and Christie!
-Thalia, Me and Christie, lovely "Stringla" Christina that created the amazing brooch that Thalia wore! (more info here)
-one of the clothes that i swapped!! amazing isn't it?!!?!?!?


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