My twin.

This is Ana.
Ana is beautiful.

She is a new and very talented poet/author/writer.
She lives in Spain. But her free spirit travels all over the world.

She is calm but she laughs loud. And sometimes cries.
She is open but aesthete.
Ana will hold your hand in hers -that smell tobacco-, in a frozen evening.
She will take you for a big walk and then roll a cigarette.
She will go with you shopping in the best retro, second hand stores.
She will dress up and make up and go out, dancing like crazy.
You will get drunk with her. And then sneak in her bed with the nice, clean sheets...
Sneak in her beautiful, wild hair that smell like nature.
Once you sleep with her, you are caught in her dream.
And then... you dream of her every night.
Ana, my twin, i send you a kiss to seal your eyes.
melroy x
p.s: for the great photo, thank Jessica!


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