FWA - Eponyma Exhibition

Tonight, FWA was also hosting the opening of "Eponyma" exhibition, a wonderful tribute to the donors of the Peloponnesean Folklore Foundation. Well-known, distinguished ladies, designers and dressmakers all connected to the dresses on show which they once wore/made. It is actually a preview of the exhibition to be presented at the Benaki Museum in March 2010 under the title: "Endyesthai: To dress. Towards a Costume Culture Museum". As put in the press release: "costume research does not stop in local costume, since Greek women also adopted European fashions". In my opinion, a must-see.

Costas Faliakos dresses, donated by Christos Petridis.

Wedding dress made by Anna Avramikou, belonging to Eleni Thomopoulou-Pentheroudaki (1951).

Jean Desses gown and wedding dress, belonging to Elisavet Komninou-Papastratou (Paris, 1951).

left: "Waves", dress by "Tsouchlos" belonging to Manto Oikonomidou (Athens 1950), right: Dior coat belonging to Grace Kelly (Paris, 1950's)

Yiannis Tseklenis dress worn by Efi Mela at her last fashion show (1972) donated by Yiannis Tseklenis.

Givenchy dress belonging to Eleni Iliaskou (Paris 1960's) donated by Iliaskou family.

right: "Tsouchlos" overcoat belonging to Nelly Chronopoulou, donated by Stella Kostourou, left: Biba dress belonging to the sculptor Niki Kanangini (1960's)

Dress belonging to Marika Veloudiou, first Greek tourist guide (!) (1930).


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