Florence and the Wardrobe

The legend says that Kate Moss was discovered by chance, while she was passing through JFK Airport on vacation with her parents. First thought on my mind? Fate!
Well, here's another legend..a more modern one! Florence Welch,23, was discovered singing Motown covers in a nightclub toilet, drunk!...First thought on my mind? Eccentric fate!!!
Florence Welch is no other than Florence+the Machine!

Florence And The Machine's music has received praise across the British music media, especially from the BBC who brought them into the spotlight as part of BBC Introducing. Later on, at the Brit Awards 2009 Florence picked up the Critics Choice Award for their debut album "Lungs"
that was released in July 2009 .
If i'm correct this is the first time that i mention a singer in this blog and some of you i'm sure will be confused! OK i wouldn't present Florence if i didn't admire her music-that's for sure (you should definitely listen to her version of "You've got the love"). The reason i'm bringing her up, is that i really admire her style!

What i like about her is that instead of having an "ordered" look, she has a love for costumes,second hand and vintage clothes. She even says that many of her clothes belonged to her grandfather!

And as i wished that i could see what's inside her wardrobe, i discovered this Vogue article that actually counts all her belongings!
4 jackets+10 shirts+6 waistcoats+2 feather capes (!!)+20 dresses+6 pairs of shorts+20 pairs of shoes+6 bras+8 pairs of pants+20 vintage T-shirts+7 skirts+3 jumpsuits+3 pairs of leggings+14 pairs of high heels+6 bags

now you get the idea of what "balanced wardrobe" means!

(don't know about you but i think that i'm not able to count all the things inside my closet...and i don't think that the only problem is the mess!!!!DARE YOU TO DO SO THOUGH)

sources: last.fm, florenceandthemachine.blogspot.com


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