Overdrive To The Ends Of The World

Have you ever noticed how many times we seem to get into high gear before we shift from 1st to 2nd to 3rd and to 4th. This happens in churches, in ministries and in our personal lives. Personally I have found God, my walk with God and the Christian life to be season after season of change and that God is in no hurry. Considering that Christ died upon the cross over 2,000 years ago and countless generations and seasons have unfolded, that in it's self proves that God is a patient God. After all, God could have judged the world 1,000 years ago and called His Bride home, yet here we are, still awaiting the second coming of Christ.
Many times, we just flat out get in a hurry. We get so far ahead of God, His plans and His purposes that we are creating our own agenda's while thinking and believing we are in God's Perfect Will. I've oftened wondered this in regards to the size of our online ministry which has grown to over 150 separate ministry blogs, not counting all the other blogging communities that we are involved within. Yet and again, I feel this overwhelming call to share the love of Christ and His Redeeming Passion with the world.
Sharing The Love & Redeeming Passion Of Christ With The Nations Of The World.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online


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