Getting Off Course

It's easy to get off course. Sometimes we don't even realize that we've gotten off course and by the time we wake up and see that fact, it's almost too late to undue all the wrongs. It's as if the path just got wider and wider and we didn't see it happening. The other reality is that sometimes people just don't want to see the course that is unfolding, as if it doesn't exist. Then in the end, they make excuses for the losses and by that time the losses are great. Sometimes even the fall is great.

Jesus spoke of the straight and narrow saying few be there that find it. On the flip side Jesus spoke to the wide and broad saying that many go therein. Regardless of where you are on that path, stay focused on Christ and the sayings of Jesus.

The Kingdom Of HEAVEN is likened unto ....
Read them, the sayings of Jesus !!!
They won't let you down.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online


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