Why should designers blog? was written for and published in issue 14 of the South African DESIGN> Magazine. Other than being amazingly well-written, this article is also a real eye-opener for the professionals of design. Here's an extract, the part that seemed more appropriate to be mentioned here in this blog, given the situations we greek fashion bloggers have gotten ourselves into during the past.
[...]The obvious reason to blog of course would be networking. Getting in touch with colleagues, possible collaborators and clients from all over the world is a tempting option for the designer/blogger. Richard Haines, illustrator for In Style magazine, J Crew and 5 star luxury hotels, is wondering why not most fashion designers don’t have their own blogs, especially the more famous ones. And having such an immediate and easy way of communicating between them, it makes realizing projects that much easier. It also provides an easy access to the designer for his clients, who can comment on their projects without spending time on time-consuming telephone calls from a city 500 km away. The instant feedback one gets on his work through the blog is as valuable a tool as any. Writing also improves the designer’s communication skills, in writing and otherwise, while at the same time providing a nice variety and distraction from a routine workload.[...]Read the entire article here.
P.S. Seems appropriate to also mention Sal's personal encounter with one very famous fashion designer, who happens to blog. Makes your heart warm...
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