Freestyle Magazine (part 1)

Presenting you my summer cooler: Freestyle Magazine (and ice cream). It has just come out, this is its very first issue. It is round shaped and came inside a ...frisbee. Not any frisbee: the print is Eley Kishimoto's "Electric Lightning", in a hypnotic, super-fly version.

Here is moi, catching sun at the balcony whilst learning how to make a Gay Cake. Other contents include a frisbee retrospective, some seriously cool editorials, tips on how to do a flawless manicure, monkey faces(!) architectural gems and street art, even the twitter chronical of how someone ended up killing someone (!!).

(photo by Marina Rosso)
I discovered Freestyle at Bread & Butter, in Berlin. It was hard to miss their frisbee covered van and all the frisbee activity around it. Wasn't sure what it was but it looked fun. "A magazine for creative people who like to play" is how they put it and indeed that's what it is.

Made sure the issue was in my suitcase, went to their smashing Berlin launch party and asked them a question (or five) about what they do. You are so gonna love this. Soon to be posted.


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