each and every trip

so this was the dress that during the holidays became my second skin! Cyclades are known for the windy weather and so the long sleeves made it perfect to wear all day long.
also, sweet C. from Fashion Paths has tagged me some time ago and now i find the time and space to write the 10 things that you most probably don't know about me!
fellow fash bloggers have already taken the challenge and it seems like there are no more girls to tag! so, I'll only tag Giorgia from StyleForStyle for the time being!

1.I'm left handed and an only child. (if left handed people are known to be creative, imagine how creative an only child can be when there are no other sisters-brothers around to play with!)

2.I love love loooove travelling. From a very young age i wanted to move abroad. last year i managed to get an Erasmus scholarship and live for half a year in Milan. Despite that, i have traveled in many places around Europe and my most recent trip was in Cuba! Next dream destinations are Amsterdam and New York.

3.I have never heard the term before, but Alecca Rox was enlightening enough! I'm a flexitarian. For those who still don't know the term, that means that I'm a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat.

4.I'm a hi-tech freak. I love my laptop, my brand new notebook, and at times i find life too boring without Internet!

5.I have studied economics despite the fact that my first university choice was architecture. Although i find economics a very boring subject, i think that advertising may be a job that could suit me. At least the creative part of advertising.

6.From a very young age i draw. In fact at the age of 6, Rodi magazine (a magazine that shut down after some years) had published a picture that i had designed. Some years later, i went at Hellenic Children's' Museum where a then famous painter wanted to teach us his tecnics and after the class ended he asked me if i could give him my painting so that they would hang it on the walls of the museum. I was too stubborn to give my "creation" away! Now many years later i regret that choice.

7.I am a Harry Potter-the books- fan! My favourite is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban which i have read more that 5 times! I have bought the last three books in English as i couldn't wait 5 months for the translation in Greek and i finished the last book in just one night!

8.Melina Merkouri and Audrey Hepburn are two women that i would love to meet in person.

9.I'm an American-teen-movie lover! in my all-time favourite movies list are she's all that, how to lose a guy in 10 days and 10 things i hate about you.

10.I listen to music depending on the mood, but singers-bands that always are in my i-pod are Coldplay,James, Norah Jones and Jack Johnson.


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