10 things you (probably) don't know about us

So, it is Clemmie & Melroy, Melroy & Clemmie, and these are - obviously - not our real names. So first things, first. 1. Clemmie' s real name is Italian and Melroy's French. We are bilingual. Melroy is at the moment somewhere sailing in the sea so I have to come up with 9 more whilst she is getting tanned. (NOT) So, there I have a second one: 2. Melroy hates getting tanned. Her skin is Dita-Von-Tees-y. On the contrary, I love bronzed skin - it makes me look healthy :) (My dark circles cannot be missed - they go with the night life) 3. On our first meeting we completely disliked each other. 4. We've both been on an erasmus exchange program (and returned home depressive alcoholics) 5. We hate common underwear. It has to be colorful, patterned, anything that can make you smile when you pee. 6. Melroy wanted to become an astronaut until she was 17. All I knew was that I didn't want to become a lawyer. 7. We do not believe in fashion. What we do believe is that it can make your day. 8. We make stories for people on the bus, on the tube, on the street... 9. Our biggest fear is that we might run out of time... 10. We havent decided if we like talking about us :)


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