10 things about you. tag.

1. I am a dog person but have 2 cats, Miu & Maya for the last 11 years. Miu was a pet rescue case, Maya is her offspring.

2. When I was 16, I drew my own print which was successfully put to retail. Some company copied it, along with... my signature. I was flattered (!) Haven’t designed any prints since.

3. I am a flexitarian. I eat meat only for survival purposes and not pleasure.

4. I am obsessed with “made in” labels. They are as important to me as the product itself.

5. As a teenager I tried all the colours of the palette on my hair, including baby blue and tomato red.

6. My drug is coffee. Coffee is my drug. I could live on coffee.

7. I skipped my highschool graduation to go to Hollywood.

8. My real life name is not Alecca. I was named after my grandmother and nicknamed after the heroine of a book mum was reading during pregnancy.

9. I started knitting to control stress and became addicted.

10. I hate fashion, I love clothes, shoes & accessories.

Thank you dear C. from Fashionpaths for this tag. Let me pass it on to:
- Oui Oui
- Ringa Dinga Boing Boing
- lulu and your mum
- magpie girl
- fashion blah blah

Have fun telling us something we don't know, remembering and revealing.


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