More Maloles

So, after buying my first pair of Zoés from second hand designer boutique BOHBO and experiencing their quality and craftsmanship myself, I was hooked. I wanted more. But as I had mentioned before, a pair of buttery soft Maloles flats can be quite pricey. What's a girl to do?

Search the internetz for the best deal, of course!

I searched and searched and then I searched some more. At the beginning, it was more out of curiosity. Like, what's the best price I can find out there? Take a look at what I found:

(Prices are shown in € or $ as stated, excluding shipping costs)

Brown Zoenas, €135 down from €225, Net-a-Porter

Studded Georges in black, $338.00, Shopbop

Brown or blue patent leather Cornelias, $200.00 down from $340.00, Piperlime

Studded Georges in grey, $338.00, Shopbop

Black studded Zoés, €225, Net-a-Porter

Pink Zoés, $159.99 down from $335.00, Piperlime

Bow back Cornelias in red, blue or brown, $238.00 down from $340.00, Shopbop

I also found some great prices at Footlux, and some not so great at YOOX, but none of the styles I liked. Same with BarefootTess, Zappos and 6pm. Just don't bother, seems like they stock the styles that couldn't sell anywhere else.

Eventually, I ended up at the Italian on-line boutique L'Inde Store. And there, I found a good deal:

Crimson red Zoés, 50% off, down at €108,00 from €216,00 and with free shipping. In my size.

So, I gave in.

Now, they're home safe, keeping company to my first ones...

The beginning of an obsession?

PS1 Stella, they do run true to size, if not half a size bigger. My ideal size is 38,5 and and all my ZARA flats are a 39. If I could find a 38,5 in Maloles I would buy that, but 39 is just fine too.

PS2 I am yet to find stores that stock Maloles in Greece. I think I'll send an e-mail to the company, to try and learn more info. In the meantime, if you know any actual stores that sell Maloles here, please share!

PS3 I forgot to mention, the shipping wasn't just free, it was super-fast too! Like, I ordered them Wednesday night and the UPS guy knocked on my door Friday noon. Thumbs up for that!


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