...not like Berlin. Well I mean, obviously. Spanish women have cellulite, people shout to each other, dogs bark and you can find garbage on the street. Madrid is my ex erasmus gay friend performing as a drag queen in Chueca, no bicycle madness (except my friend cycling her way to work every morning in her Almodovar-like maxi summer dresses) (in a suicide attempt, perhaps) It's chupitos, chorizos, churros (forget about Berlin's healthy freshly squizzed fruit juices), barbecues in the countryside with mysterious sausages (probably illegal by the E.U.) and people in the street (even in Fuencaral) do not look like they just popped out of some style magazine.

Gathering around Fuencaral...

the best ice-cream in the world. OK, maybe after Ben & Jerrys. :D

Street art, street art, street art.

By day...

and by night...

Plaza del Mayor

Mimos' job so ...difficult. They find the most weird position and stand like that for hours. And when your coins "gling" they play a little something for you. I could "gling" them for eternity...

Chorizo, Jamon, Lomo... (try to find the Extremadura one ;)

Brown Rhum. Jack's Sparrow one!

Clara y Cana?

Y Tapas, tapas, tapas :)))

Fuck your dentist, this is c-a-n-d-y

Isn't this so clever? Can you please adopt the idea for Ermou str? Our right to tan-free shopping!

More down to our mentality, Spanish people sleep siesta, drink their afternoon coffee whilst having a fag and do not return home unless they' ve had a couple of mojitos. (made with brown rhum of course). and Caipirinias. and Gazpachos. and Callimochos. and Claras. or Canas. With Tapas. Looooved the tuna y sweet pepper one. Yammy.
I'm definetely going to miss them.
Hasta Luego,
Clem x
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