This is a personal video I shot whilst entering the notorious BBB. It is definetely worth checking the official one too though, here (select "Review Movie" under the player). It was all so perfectly organised and so accurately themed, I am lost for words.
Back in the '30s, Tempelhof used to be the most frequently visited airport of the time. During the second world war, it served as a Nazi base and after 1945 it was passed on to the US air force. As BBB puts it, now they have "kissed the old beauty back to life".

I have a think for knitting, so you can imagine my excitement seeing this at the entrance (and random staircase handles and other parts inside). Although I did not verify this with the BBB staff, this looks like the work of Knitta.

The visitors had to "check-in" to enter, pick up the BBB bible from a running conveyor belt, staff was dressed as air stewarts/esses and the theme was complete with real planes next to the exhibition area. As you are soon to see, BBB was a real take-off...

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