Fashion Bloggers, You Suck

To be honest, I did not see this one coming. I mean THIS. It is a post by a fellow fashion blogger, fashionpaths (it is clear she is interested in fashion, the blog is called FASHION PATHS).

Fashionpaths compared two designer pieces, one by Marc Jacobs and one by Vasso Consola and concluded they are a "copy-paste" case. At this point, let me note that this is her personal opinion and whether she is right or wrong, it is irrelevant here.

You are the designer in question and you come across this post. What do you do? You post on your public facebook wall that "designers do not usually answer to posts of people not directly related to our work..."

So fashion bloggers are not directly related to designers' work? I am not concerned about the originality of the piece, it's the naiveness of the statement. Oh let me help dear designer:

These are some of the things fashion journalists have said about fashion blogs and the impact they are having on the industry:

  • "These days, to have one finger on the fashion pulse, you need to have the other one on your computer mouse, reading (or writing) the latest blogs."[6] (DAILY MAIL)
    (WIKIPEDIA - more)
Still not persuaded? Well last May, 11 Greek fashion blogs voluntarily put the banner of FTBC on their pages. They started on the 18th of May and stats showed that out of the 479 referrers of the entire month (1st-31st), four of those blogs were amongst the top 30 referrers of the campaign (positions 11, 22, 23 and 26) without ANY support from the press. You must agree this is one powerful piece of stats.

Last but not least, Glamour magazine, one of the top selling titles in this country featured on June issue's cover "Fashion Bloggers GR: the kids that change fashion by pressing enter".

You go into all the trouble of offending a fashion blogger (and in the bigger picture, ALL fashion bloggers), how about bothering to explain yourself on what she was concerned about or even, HOW ABOUT NOT COMMENTING AT ALL?

*pop quiz: who do you think buys designerwear? people directly related to designers' work?


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