Backstage & Giveaway

A few minutes before showtime backstage is a seriously busy zone.

The models can't wait to show off those St. Tropez hats.

FTBC's Marilena Stratopoulou paid a visit backstage and shared her positive energy. Here, in her brand new summer hair style, the braids, posing with model Olga Kyprioti.

In the meantime, the guests were gathering on the main balcony.

Calm as it may look at the poolside, the preparation frenzy was at its peak backstage, with hundreds of goodie-bags being put together for the guests on the side.

Mod's Hair brand new shampoo sample, Mod's Hair newsletter, FTBC's summer edition and a special Andria top featuring 'Mykonos '09' were among the items carefully wrapped and placed inside it.

Wish you were there?
Win a goodie-bag by sending an email to, subject 'Goodie-Bag'! (Competition ends on Tuesday, June 16th - winners will be notified by email and through this blog)


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