Designer Andria Papadopoulou certainly will by throwing a catwalk show and party in Mykonos on Saturday, June 6th. Breathtaking location, 500 selected guests and coverage by Fashion TV, it will be one stylish summer night on the island... and I'm attending!
I know some of you would love to be there too... Andria has agreed to add 10 Rox Readers to her guestlist:)
If you are planning to spend next weekend in Mykonos (or have just decided to), send an email to press@adria.gr requesting an invite, typing "Rox Reader" as subject to your mail.
The sun (i'm getting a tan), the sea (floating & relaxing) and a fashion party overlooking Paradise Bay (heaven;)).
See you there?
*Special thanks to Andria for kindly inviting my blog-friends*

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