A quirky little place called Saia

If you have been following my posts over at ermoumag, you may already be familiar with the fantasy world of Saia. I visited the quirky little boutique in Karytsi sq. some weeks ago (hence the black opaque tights you'll witness me wearing in the pictures) gathering material to do my work-related post, and instantly fell in love with the place!

You know I'm a dress person... Well, this place is like heaven for me! They stock dresses, accessories, shoes and bikinis from Brazil and Argentina, and they're all colourful, unique little pieces of delight.

Although I was kind of stressed on time, I couldn't resist trying on some Melissa plastic shoes. I had them in my mind for quite some time now, and I couldn't find a shop to try them on...

The moment I saw them on the mirror, I was sold. Unfortunately, my boyfriend vetoed the lovely plastic shoes. Important lesson here girls: DON'T take men along for shopping.

But I couldn't bear leaving the small shop of joy without something, anything!
Which was the lovely red horses print scarf I ended up wearing on the Glamour feature. Cost just 20 euros and I love it to pieces!

Planning to go back there soon. I can hear those dresses calling my name!


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