Changed my mind!

(Dedicated to E. Hope first days in your new job are fun!)

When I got my proper job-ever-first salary I was working together with my friend E. On the payment day we had this huge anxiety which forced us to check our bank accounts almost every half an hour! When -in the afternoon- we saw the lucky number on the ATM screen, to our surprise, it was half of the agreed?! When E. went furious to the HR manager to fight for justice, she also gained for eternity her new nick as Erin Brokovits! To make the long story short, when we finally had the proper amount in our hands, it took only several hours for her to transform it into a bon-Paris-bon-genre chic Louis Vuitton double-face handbag. Whereas I, kept mine to spend the month with (frequent visits in Zara included). I neither agreed nor disagreed with her choice. (One of the things I mostly believe in is free will); hence, when she asked if i had no need to tranform my first salary into something so i can be able to look at it and be proud of my first money I thought "no, not at all, money is more useful when not transformed"
"Come on, don't you want to look at an item and know it was bought by yourself with your first personal working money?" E. insisted.
Back then I thought i didn' t. I didn' t even like Louis Vuitton handbags (I still don't) (I don't even use handbags to be more honest) (but that's another story).
Still, if that day was today YES i WOULD transform all my first salary into something. Maybe i would have thousands of seconds thoughts, but I would. And those would be it:
Nude Louboutins. Eternally chic. Discreetly remarkable. Year round classical. Always to the point. Match with anything. In my "have-to-have" list :)
Ps1: I don't even wear heels that often (extremely rarely that is), I don't know why i keep falling in love with them.. (former love mentioned here)
Ps2: Damn it! Where's this prince when you really need him?
Ps3. Dear E., once more you proved yourself right. I miss you.

Hope you all got a flower for your mums yesterday!
Clem x


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