(and 1 that made me unhappy)

:D MI-RO are the cutest, the friendliest, the most gentle & happy faced guys I've met since a while :) Their face expressions taste like pink fresh summer-y strawberry juice. Thank you for making our days brighter with your smiles! You can check their interview here.
:D Was surprised by Filep Motwary and Maria Mastori kindness of soul. Modest, Mild - Spirited, Well- Natured. You can check their interview here.
PS. Maria's Mastori style is ....the definition of new age elegance pioneering. Did not even want to capture it... thought i might break the spell!

:D New comer Dimitris Petrou collection was THE SHOW. It was worth waiting in the cold with no regrets. His idea of body painting the models in chest, back and arms as for goth-like tattoos along with the forms, the lines, the fabrics oh! i am so looking forward in learning where one can buy his precious stuff. Check his interview here.

:D Dassios jewellery is art. Ok, that's not a first. But Dassios maxi futuristic - hippie- boho - foho light chocolate brown skirts made of ...the wrapping paper we use for flower bouquets was pure art. And his show, oh his show! Oriental, slow, sexy. Interview here.
:D New comer Dimitris Zafiriou style. He was wearing heels. THANK YOU for wearing heels. What's this heels are feminine -only thingy? Interview here. (Cannot find a representative photo of his style, unfortunately)
:D "The best item in a girls' closet: an LBD with a rounded decolte.
In a man's closet? Again the LBD, with a huge V cut." Check Hair Stylist and Make - Up Artist, Petros Tigas interview here.

:D Dimitris Parthenis , Orsalia's dad (loved her show btw). Thank you for being so cool! You can check on your own here.

:( Star channel's tv reporter: How uncool is it to take a 10 min interview when asking for a few statements? Why do Greek media have to be so gossip-oriented?
Fashion is Fun! And no matter what was heard and written about the whole Fashion Week Athens thing, all i know is that despite any disagreements all designers are into feel good stuff, mix 'n' match,"listen to your favourite song, wear your best outfit and get your bum out there to charm and be charmed!"
Stay inspired!
Clem x
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