So what?

New gentleman commenter Ambrosiac left me this comment yesterday:
Congratulations, Lopi. Let me take the opportunity to ask a fashion if offtopic question: what is your opinion about these shoes:
Disregarding Biblical injunctions re cloven hooves :P, am I alone in feeling uneasy about asking a woman out if she insists on donning this sort of thing?!
Ambrosiac, thank you for your comment. I wouldn't touch this subject otherwise, but you asked for my opinion, so here it is:

I totally agree with you. I find these shoes plain ugly. People may argue that they may be extremely comfortable or that they are innovative and original, but I don't think that takes anything away from their ugliness. However, it still is a matter of taste and taste is subjective. Our aesthetics depend on so many different factors. What we our mother used to wear when we were young, what culture we grew up in, what our religion or morals are. All of these and many other factors play part in what we end up considering attractive and what not. So, me considering them ugly doesn't really mean anything. And I should point out too, that due to my manners and common niceness, I would never tell that to the person wearing them. Even writing that here, it makes me feel bad about Sara Jessica. Because, let's face it, she's not doing any harm to anyone. It's totally her business if she chooses to wear ugly shoes or not.

Now, regarding to you saying that you wouldn't ask a woman out if she was wearing them, my question is this: Would actually these shoes keep you from getting to know better an otherwise wonderful person? Does an awful footwear choice mean that that person is awful too? Or you'd just be embarrassed to walk down the street with her? Ambrosiac, and all of you amazing readers, I'd love to know what you think.

photos from Go Fug Yourself, a site I don't really visit myself, due to potential karma damage


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