...it was one of those rainy afternoons, when you find yourself out in the market in a complete rush, wet and cold, maquillage dissappeared, running through shopping windows, without even a chance for a little glance, only capable of thinking how to have all your chores done and get back home early.(...) And there was I, just in front of them, staring at those peachy-rubber caramel scented semi high heels, from Melissas' Anglomania collection, designed by Vivienne Westwood especially for alternative Cinderellas. Neither too poshy nor too pop-y, there were they, the ideal barbie - like going out shoes, bringing up memories of Ken-Ken's hysterically perfect combed hair, Barbie's pink fluorescent jeep, my extended childishness which finds her way out in endless "just for fun-dressing up- sessions" with my - also kinda of grown up - girlfriends!
I had to have them, yes i did, sure i did. Still, cannot afford paying for a pair of shoes i wont really "wear everyday", if you know what i mean. However, i do believe that my wardrobe is more something like a "chamber of dreams" - not that i buy exactly what i need. (...)
If this was a movie, Vivienne Westwood would read this post and send my modern-fairy-tale pair of shoes straight out of my door, personal note enclosed, tomorrow first thing in the morning! (i hate myself for envying Carrie's cheesy moments)
Oh well, if this was a movie, ...I would be blond.
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