Oooops, problem there.
You see, I am a Virgo and an architect. Which roughly translates to "I like to be super organized", especially about my pictures. So, I have all my picture folders named in a format. And all the pictures inside each folder number.jpg... That way everything is automatically organized in chronological order and I always remember the event or the place.
Yes, I am that anal about it... It's under control. I think.
So, the 4th folder happens to be pictures taken during the summer of 2003 (yeah, I'm old too). I do not wish this blog to turn into Fashion Architect: Swimsuit Edition, so I am forced to bend the rules in order to play the game.
Presenting to you the 132th picture of the 5th folder...

Lopi in the Diagonal Park in Barcelona, during an architecture school trip in spring 2004.
The park was designed by EMBT Architects, aka the husband and wife architecture duo Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue. A sad story lies beneath, as Enric Miralles died in 2000 at age 45 by a brain tumor. He was buried in the Igualada Cemetery, which he designed himself in 1984. Wikipedia describes the Igualada Cemetery as one of the most poetic works of twentieth century Catalan architecture. His wife continues the EMBT architectural practice till this day.
As usually, I am of the last ones to catch on a tagging "trend", so I don't know many people who haven't done the 4th picture/4th file thing. But I've already broke one rule, so I really can't skip this one, can I?
I'm tagging
Chloe in the sky
Good luck girls!
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