Seriously contemplating...

... the Saigon boots by Chie Mihara.
I tried them on in a local store. They are cute, edgy, flattering, easy to wear, unbelievably comfortable, SIMPLY AMAZING. And 40% off.

But still really, really expensive.

However, that local shop's price actually beats Revolve Clothing's price of $351 or 266 euros for their last pair of Saigon boots in brown. Which means I won't be finding a better price on the internet. And you can trust me on that, I google "chie mihara" more often than I brush my teeth.

I could try searching the shops in Athens next week when I'll be there, but is just the mere hope of an extra 10% off worth the risk of coming back to Volos and finding them gone?

I believe this one falls into the famous "investment theory". You know, the one saying we should buy few stuff, but of good quality, that will be loved and cherished and worn forever. I think this is one of those times...

...still contemplating.


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