My very own Dwatch

When they first landed at the shop windows, I though Dwatch watches were some silly (but very-very pretty) obvious knock off of Swatch. You know, like Frada, Abibas, Cucci and so on.

Tried to look them up on www, but got the most irrelevant links you can imagine...Democracy Watch was one of them. Anyways, this is the most relevant I found.

Soon, they were all over some of the most elegant and stylish shops (and wrists). They started growing on me. My sister got one in purple and most recently my Mum appeared sporting a beige. That was it, I WANTED ONE TOO. With shiny little swarovski crystals.
And now I've got one. In cheerful orange. (stupid i couldn't wait till sales to buy it) Very different to the watches I've been wearing so far -my all time favourite is my retro-like Puma. Orange has never been my colour of choice either. Well, well how things change.
Knitting Update: it is growing slowly but surely, no? It does look a bit disturbed I admit, but that's better than boring. Em.. and although in this picture it looks perfect, it's not. IT'S GOT A HOLE. SOS people, does anyone know how to fix it? (come to think about it, one single hole is not a bad score...) (still, help!)
P.S. I am very determined not to let this be just another unfinished scarf. I've decided I'll keep a photo diary of my progress, top right hand side. Feel free to tell me off if you catch me being lazy:s


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