Yesterday was a beautiful day, and I spent it all outdoors. Greek TV show Oxygen* is doing some small segments about young creative people in Volos, my study town, and they asked my boyfriend and his friend and graffiti partner to speak about Color Your Life festival I helped them organize last summer, and also do a graffiti specially for them, so they could film the process. So, here we are outside the University of Thessaly Architecture School, the guys painting the day away and me photographing them, while road-testing my new Von Zipper Rockford olive/pink sunglasses. I also took some street-style photos of students... Sart should better watch out! But I'm saving those for tomorrow's post, so visit back!
*Those of you living in Greece can watch it on ET3 every Saturday at 18:00 and reruns every Friday night at 1:30.
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