Is Katie Holmes going all fashion icon on us?

While I was doing my usual browsing around across all my favorite celebrity gossip sites this past week, I couldn't help but notice this:
Allegedly, Katie Holmes loves wearing her husband's Tom Cruise jeans because she misses him while she is in New York doing rehearsals for her new play. And even when she isn't wearing the "boyfriend" or should we say "husband" jeans, she still manages to look stylish, feminine and comfortable in a very young and hip way. Basically, what we all want to look like.
Notice the red sole there? *sigh*

Personally, I love this style. I hate tight jeans and I have a vast collection of ballet flats, so I'm making this style one of my fall inspirations. But what do you think? Is she a style pioneer or is this her stylist we're actually seeing in those pictures?

pictures from dlisted and IDontLikeYouInThatWay


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