The kind lady, the quilt and the stylist.

I am happy to announce (to no one in particular) that I am now a proud owner of a Husqvarna sewing machine and today I had my second lesson on how to use it without bringing it to pieces. The lady in the small, family-owned shop I bought her from (I like thinking my machine is a she) was very kind and helpful. As a skilled ex-seamstress (these days she likes to stitch) is giving me *free* lessons on how to use it properly! Hurray for kind people who share knowledge!
I also picked two of my favorite glossies on my way home, US Vogue and UK Marie Claire. As I was indulging in some serious after-dinner page flipping on the sofa, I fell upon this fashion spread in Marie Claire.
Titled "Hippie Days", several of the photos had a delicious quilt as a background. I been searching numerous blogs, flickr groups and vintage shops for quilt inspiration and it was a nice surprise that Marie Claire has offered me some eye candy as well.
Note that the photo description says "cotton patchwork throw, stylist's own". As in "good luck finding your own, sucker".


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