Honey and Clover

The series was adapted as a live-action feature film produced by Asmik Ace Entertainment. It was directed by Masahiro Takada from a screenplay by Masahiko Kawahara and Masahiro Takada, and starred Sh&訅 Sakurai as Takemoto, Y&訣 Aoi as Hagu, Y&訣suke Iseya as Morita, Ry&訅 Kase as Mayama, and Megumi Seki as Ayumi.[22] It was released in Japanese theaters on July 22, 2006. The DVD for the film was released on January 12, 2007.


Part A->http://rapidshare.com/files/131178947/H_C_part1.zip.html

Part B->http://rapidshare.com/files/131197940/H_C_part2.zip.html

Part C->http://rapidshare.com/files/131282306/H_C_part3.zip.html

Part D->http://rapidshare.com/files/131405460/H_C_part4.zip.html

Part E->http://rapidshare.com/files/131422624/H_C_part5.zip.html


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